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The Pennyroyal Mint is harvest from our organic farm only when a purchase is made. The herb will be dried and ship fresh with its aroma. Please allow a few days for this process before shipping.

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The pennyroyal, scientifically known as the Mentha Pulegium is a flowering plant that belongs to the family Lamiaceae. It is native to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East and it thrives well in dumb places. It is also known as mosquito plant, squaw mint or pudding grass and when crushed it gives off an aroma that resemble that of a spearmint. Traditionally, the pennyroyal was used as a culinary herb but due to its potential benefits on health, several people across the globe still use it for a number of health purposes.

  1. For proper digestion and stomach pain

Stomach ache and indigestion are very common illnesses in our society and millions of people suffer from this daily. If you suffer from frequent, indigestion, constipation and stomach aches then you have all the reasons to look for the pennyroyal. Taking small doses of the pennyroyal tea helps in relieving stomach aches, bloating and indigestion. The tea also has an antispasmodic activity that helps in soothing the stomach aches or cramps. This plant also helps in improving the general health and functioning of the liver which and it stimulates the production of bile juice which improves digestion.

  1. For muscle and joint pain

If you suffer from frequent muscle and joint pains then the pennyroyal oil would be an ultimate solution for you in faster relief of pain. The oils from pennyroyal has a warming and a numbing effect that helps in faster relief of pain. All you need to do is to massage the painful areas with the oil twice or three time a day. Due to its depurative qualities, the pennyroyal also offers good therapeutic effects on the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.

  1. For respiration

The high menthol content in pennyroyal makes it a strong expectorant that helps relieve the symptoms of cold and flu hence improving respiration. It acts as a decongestant and it loosens and clears out the buildup of mucous that causes congestion of the chest.

  1. Helps with menstruation

The pennyroyal has strong emmenagogue activity and for several years of women have successfully used this plant to help in solving problems with irregular cycles. However, there should be a lot of precautions to be observed while using this plant for menstrual disorders.

  1. Relieves stress

The pennyroyal has some sedative effects that makes it an option in relieving stress that would lead to insomnia. Earlier it was used to relive hysteria and help those with sleeping difficulties.

How to make preparations of the pennyroyal

  1. Tea

Add one teaspoon of dried pennyroyal leaves to a cup, add some boiling water and stir. Let the tea infuse for about ten minutes and you can take up to 3 cups a day.

  1. Infusion

Pour a cup of boiled water in a jar. Add 1-2 teaspoons of dried pennyroyal leaves and let the mixture infuse for u to ten minutes. Tae 1 to 3ml of the infusion three times a day.


NOTE: We highly recommend that before using any herbal medications you should consult your health care provider or medical doctor for professional advice.

Disclaimer: All herbs and spices listed on or sold for medical and household use only, again we advice that before using any HERBS for medical purposes, please consult your physician.