Ylang Ylang Leaves (Cananga Odorata) $15.00$35.00
Trumpet Tree Bark - Powder Bark (Cecropia peltata) $21.00$64.00

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The Cockey Stick is grown in Jamaica’s deep forest, the plant grows over rocks and when cut discharge a white milky liquid hence the name cocky Stick.

Cockey Stick is used in the Jamaican Roots Tonic to enhance Libido and sexual Performances.
The stick is used in combination with other roots such as:

All-Man Strength | Black Wiss | Puron Bark | Nerves Wiss |Brial Wiss | Cashew Bark | Ra-Moon Bark

Strongback Root | Breadnut Bark | Milk Wiss | Four Man Strength | Blood Wiss

NOTE: We highly recommend that before using any herbal medications you should consult your health care provider or medical doctor for professional advice.

Disclaimer: All herbs and spices listed on http://islandherbsandspices.com/ or sold for medical and household use only, again we advice that before using any HERBS for medical purposes, please consult your physician.

Cocky Stick

Cocky Stick 16 Oz. $36.00, Cocky Stick 3 Oz. $16.00, Cocky Stick 8 Oz. $22.00