Noni Leaves Health Benefits What is the Noni? Native to Australasia and South East Asia, Noni is a tiny evergreen tree that is popularly used for its health and medical benefits. Also known as the Indian Mulberry, Noni is a species that belongs to the coffee family and just like
Papaya Leaf Health Benefits What is the Papaya? Also known as the papaw or the pawpaw, the papaya is a plant native to American tropics. It is believed to have originated from Central America and Mexico. It is a relatively small tree with sparse branches and typically has a single
Organic Dried Periwinkle Herb ( Vinca minor) - Freshly dried - Perfect for herbal tea's, and many other uses!
Periwinkle works by boosting the circulation of blood in the brain. This in turn helps in supporting healthy metabolism in the brain consequently aiding in the improvement of brain productivity.
Mild diuretic and tonic for nervous depression and poor appetite (Ram Goat Regular) Damiana (Turnera Diffusa) Mild diuretic and tonic for nervous depression, sex drive and poor appetite Damiana has long been claimed to have a stimulating effect on libido, and its use as an aphrodisiac has continued into modern times.
This order is for half pound each
Red Water Grass,
Bachelor Button,
Prostate Medicine, for SWELLEN PROSTATE and
Soursop leaf, Globe Amaranth. Red water grass
Preparation: Use 2 ounces of each ingredient. Put the herbs in a large pot with 2 quarts cold water. Bring pot
What is Rosemary? Rosemary is a very popular herb, not only in Jamaica, but all over the world. Rosemary, formally known as Rosmarinus Official is a small, woody evergreen shrub with needle-like leaves that are generally dark green in colour. The rosemary leaves have a spicy aroma, making it a popular