The hog plum (Spondius Mombin) is a very underrated plant that has several surprising health benefits. This plant goes by several names based on which part of the world can be found. These names include: amra, caja fruit, june plum, monkey mombin, kakadu plum or Brazil nuts.
The hog plum is a fruit tree that is most prevalent in the coastal areas of Africa. The hog plum can also be found in South America and the West Indies. The tree grows to about 60 feet in height and it possesses a very thick bark. Its leaves are deciduous and pointed. The fruits from the tree are aromatic and have a oblong shape.
The hog plum is a very versatile plant. Each part of the plan has a specific medicinal purpose. The green fruits of the plant can be eaten raw and cooked with sugar. The plant is also rich with antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. In many countries like Panama, Peru and Mexico, the ripe fruit is used to prepare Jams. The bark and young leaves are used to treat diarrhea, fever, hemorrhoids, dysentry and gonorrhea. The powder that is made from the bark is also used to heal wounds. In Africa the wood from the tree is used to make huts, garden poles, axe and hoe handles. In Peru, the bark and leaves are used to help induce labor, reduce bleeding and pain during after childbirth. It is also used to stimulate the flow of breast-milk.
In addition, the tea that is from the flower is used to relieve stomach aches, biliousness, uretritis and throat inflammations. In folk medicine, the leaves and bark are traditionally used as a contraceptive.
The leaves and bark of this plant are also used to treat coughs and colds. The root sap is drunk to quench thirst when water is not available. The decoction of the fruit is drunk as a diuretic and common febrifuge.
The hog plum is so versatile because each part of the plant has different chemical properties. The leaves and the bark contain flavonoids, antioxidants and other chemicals such as caryophyllene. And the leaves of the plant contain salicyclic and chlorogenic acid.
This plant is best prepared as an infusion (tea). Pour boiling water over the herb in a cup and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain the tea and drink warm. This should be taken twice daily in order to see the desired results.