Guaco Mikania
Improve your respiratory health, kill bacteria, suppress coughs and more with the Jamaican Guaco Mikania SHOP NOW 100% Organic
Soursop Tree
Remedy nerves problems and fight cancer with Soursop Tree leaves SHOP NOW Graviola: Annona Muricata
Increase sexual stamina and boost your libido with
the Jamaican Sarsaparilla
SHOP NOW Smilax Ornata

View our products

Jamaican Sarsaparilla – Roots


Trumpet Tree – Leaves (Cecropia peltata)


Jamaican Guaco Mikania Powder Herb and Capsules


Strong Back Root, Jamaican Viagra (Morinda Royoc) Organic


Jamaican Chaney Root | Chaney Root – Crushed Roots


Medina Jamaican Herb (Alysicarpus vaginalis) Organic


Anamu Guinea Henweed/ Petiveria alliacea L


Dog blood bush (Rivina humilis)


Strong Back Jamaican Herb (Desmodium Incanum)


Allman Strength Jolt of Strength From Jamaica – Crushed Roots


Ra-Moon Bark, Jamaican Herb Ra-Moon – Crushed Roots


Trumpet Leaves Tea Bags – 36 Tea Bags


Graviola: Annona muricata -Sour Sop tree Leaves and Bark


Dried Ra-Moon Leaves (Trophis Racemosa) Male Sex Herb


Cerasee – Bitter Melon Herb and Capsules


Gumbo Limbo, Copper Wood (Bursera Simaruba) Barks – Powder


Cordoncillo Negro (Piper Aduncum L.) Organic


Jamaican Root Tonic, for strengthening the body, toning up the system and sexual problems – Organic Roots


Shama Macka – Sensitiva (Mimosa Pudica)


Puron Bark (Prunus Occidentalis) Crushed Roots


Dried Leaf of Life Powder (Bryophyllum Pinnatum)


Jamaican Chew Stick Gouania Lupuloides Organic Flavors – Powder


Moringa Leaf (dried)


Four Man Strength – Four vine Wiss Crushed Roots


Cocky Stick – Jamaica Roots


Black Wiss – Jamaican Herb- Crushed Roots


Irish Moss – Sea Moss


Breadfruit Leaves (Artocarpus Altilis)


Jamaican Blue Vervain (Stachytarpheta) Porterweed, organic Herb


Spanish Needle (bidens pilosa) leaves roots and stems


Duppy Gun – Ruellia Tuberosa


Dried Tea Tree Leaves (Melaleuca Alternifolia)


Jamaican Bissy (Cola Nut)


Search Mi Heart- (Rhytidophyllum tomentosum)


Fever grass/Lemon Grass


Hyptis Pectinata – Woman Piaba


Red Water Grass – Zebrina Pendula


Dried Jack In The Bush (Chromolaena odorata)


Guava Leaves- Lower Blood Sugar- Diabetes Tea


Chanca Piedra Organic Herb (phyllanthus niruri) Kidney Stone Breaker




Jamaican Bitter Wood (Picrasma excelsa) Barks


Moringa Seeds Powder


Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera)


Horny Goat Weed Powder – Organic


 John Charles (Hyptis Verticillata)


Jamaican Chaney Root and Sarsaparilla – Roots


Blood Wiss – Vitis Tiliifolia Crushed Roots
